Wednesday, February 29, 2012

On the 12th day of packing....

I packed my sanity!  Along with:

12 gifts for officials,
11 electronic devices (1 laptop, 3 kindles, 2 cameras, 1 i-pod touch, and 4 cell phones!),
10 thousand dollars (!),
9 barrettes and headbands,
8 toys to play with,
7 pairs of headphones,
6 Chinese visas,
5 bags of toiletries (in quart-sized ziploc bags, all bottles under 3.2 oz of course!)
4 suitcases (fit everything in 2 small and 2 medium sized!)
3 Snapfish photo books (Andrew's and James' will go in their files in Seoul, Rosie's will go to her orphanage),
2 pink frilly skirts....all for
1 Shanghai girl named Mimi!


  1. Oh I am getting so excited for you - its finally REAL. And what an amazing trip you have planned! Looking forward to all thr photos.

  2. Oh I am getting so excited for you - its finally REAL. And what an amazing trip you have planned! Looking forward to all thr photos.
