Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rosie's Orphanage, 3/28

 Our guide arranged for a van to take us (Mom, Dad, and girls) to Yangchun today.  Ms. Yu, the orphanage director, met us and showed us all of Rosie's paperwork, then we looked at the photo album of Rosie that we had brought.

We met the Rosie's favorite nanny.  She's the one who was holding Rosie when she was brought to us almost 7 years ago.
 Mrs. Yu (to my right) took us out to a fancy lunch along with two other orphanage directors (Yangchuners, if you know who they are please tell me!)
 This is where Rosie was found when she was a baby.  We only cried a little....
 A truckload of pigs passed us on the way home.  Rosie wasn't sure whether they were going to the zoo or the circus....

Meanwhile, Grandma and the boys went sightseeing with the other two families and saw a temple and some fancy Chinese art.
When we got back to the hotel we found presents that James had bought for us with his own money!  He made these origami boxes for each present.  Then he admitted that he didn't want to come back to America because he's having too much fun!

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